Smart contracts are contracts with automated execution capabilities encoded within a Blockchain. They can be defined as Blockchain based immutable protocols coded with predefined conditions which gets executed automatically when exposed to a trigger event. They are the mediums that can be used to carry out transactions for money, property, shares, investments and many more over transparent Blockchains.

Smart contracts development is the basic process on which distributed ledger technology stands on, the very nature of blockchain; transparent and an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions is only possible because of smart contracts.
We specialise in creating industry-specific smart contracts and have a specialised team invested in the same.

Smart Contract Services
that we offer

Smart Contract Architecture

The major challenge that arises while creating a smart contract is to how to design a completely new form of architecture unlike the traditional client-server applications now have a third new element to accommodate, the Blockchain. We already have a basic smart contract architecture in place which could be customised according to your application.

Smart Contract Design and development

Studio Fintech can design and develop reliable and secure smart contracts using Ethereum and Solidity for enterprises/startups tailored to their custom needs. Not just smart contracts, but we can develop decentralised apps for you as well.

Smart Contract Audit Services

Smart contracts require regular check and audit to make sure they are functioning properly. We can not just create but audit them for you as well. This service includes analysis of code (automated and manual), performance validation, a detailed audit report and many more.

Smart Contract Optimization

According to the audit we can optimise and do all the changes in the code and thereby making sure good health of your smart contracts.

The utility of
Smart Contract development

Finance & Insurance

Finance & Insurance

Automate policies, error checking, payout calculations for claim settlements, trading record management.



Improved data quality, ensure better investor data protection, repository maintenance.



Create an easy decentralised system for large hospitals, improved collaboration between healthcare providers.

Real estate

Real estate

Reduces piles of paperwork, manage rental, leasing, buying & selling documentation, can reduce fraud and corruption.

Transport & logistics

Transport & logistics

Tracking product movements, managing large databases across various geographies, managing entire supply chains.

Public sector

Public sector

Piles of documentation, reducing fraud and corruption, more transparent communication.

Legal agreement

Legal agreement

Transparent documentation, decentralised system of case filing and many more.



Peer-to-peer lending, fundraising ICOs, and security tokens etc.

Why are
smart contracts helpful?

  1. Accuracy & immutability

    Any information saved in smart contracts cannot be deleted or removed, you cannot undo the code or delete. You can only reverse the action of the code by writing a fresh code. This provides security and reliability for all the information saved and transactions performed.

  2. Reduced expenses in the long run

    There may be some initial costs involved in developing the initial ecosystem through smart contracts, but once it’s created, it provides a system which is automated and would involve least of human intervention.

  3. Transparent database management

    With reduced human intervention, there are lesser chances of corruption or fraud with any information being stored through smart contracts as compared to the conventional system of storing information in servers, which is editable and mutable.

  4. Trusted and reliable system

    It is a system which shares information on a shared ledger, which makes the technology more trustworthy and reliable. Also, the information has a backup created in the system a repeated number of times which makes it even more reliable.

Why Studio Fintech for your
smart contracts development?

Blockchain pioneers

Studio Fintech is an expert in creating and developing blockchain and cryptocurrency applications. We have successfully developed and deployed 10+ blockchain projects, comprising of smart contracts built for HyperLedger Fabric, waves and many such popular Blockchains. We have a dedicated wing for researching and developing Blockchain and Cryptocurrency platforms.

In and out research on applications
of smart contract development

With our experience in numerous industries and domains, we can consult you on and as to how smart contracts can be put to use for you and how can this new innovative technology be of any benefit for your enterprise or startup.

Secure, scalable and flexible applications

We have been in the industry for close to 12 years and have worked with enterprises like Deloitte, Porsche, Research Now, Disney and many more. We have delivered world-class applications to these enterprises that are being used by millions of users across the globe.


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Get in Touch

Address: 1 Fore Street, London, EC2Y 9DT, UK

Phone: +44 1253 547777
